Qidi Tech 3D Drucker
3D Drucker: 3 Artikel
Qidi Tech X-Max 3
- CoreXY-Struktur
- Automatische Nivellierung über 16 Punkte
- Flexible HF-Dauerdruckplatte
Aus unserem Magazin:
- YouTube Episode: Why aren't you printing faster? Speed & Flow Tests!
- YouTube Episode: From Physical to Digital: Budget 3D Scanner Battle Royale!
- Produkttest: UniFormation GKtwo, Resin Curing Station & Ultra Sonic Resin Cleaner
- YouTube Episode: Beyond 3D Printing: T-Shirts, Decals & More on the Silhouette Cameo 5
- YouTube Episode: Polymaker PolyDryer: Revolutionising Filament Drying and Storage!
3DJake entdecken:
Deutschland: Kostenloser Standardversand ab 52,90 €
Rückversand -
Zustellung in 2 Werktagen.
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